Maybe you are just starting to plan your next travel adventure. In the following lines, you will find out if it is more logical to rent a car in the country where you will spend more time or to buy one immediately. You will also find here all the necessary information about prices, insurance, car leasing, and taxes. Let’s begin!
Buying a car abroad
With the purchase of a car, you do not have to travel without a road trip with your car, even in distant foreign countries. Ideally, this should be completely relaxed: shortly after arrival, you buy the car of your dreams, which you have already selected online in advance, drive it all over the country, and, if possible, sell it before returning home only a small loss.
Even after considering the cost of insurance, taxes, and so on, you save money, especially on long stays. You should also consider the reviews of the companies you decide to work with, for example, fit my car reviews.
But buying a car in another country also has its disadvantages: on the one hand, you have to invest a little time to find out about the right vehicles, associated dealers and important points such as insurance and taxes, and on the other hand, it also supports the whole risk with your car.
This means that if your car suddenly breaks down, is stolen or you have an accident, not only is your money gone in the worst case, but you also need to find a replacement car. Plus, there is no guarantee that you will be able to sell the car at a good price in the end – you should consider all of this when making your decision.
Car rental abroad
Renting a car is much easier and more relaxed than buying a car. Here you can be sure that your vehicle is in perfect condition and – as long as you close the extra insurance you need when you rent it – you can rest assured if something happens to you and your rental car.
In any case, the car rental company will make sure that your vehicle is repaired or replaced as soon as possible, and at the end of the journey simply park your car and return the key to the counter – without first finding a buyer or depositing the car worth selling.
In addition, in most cases not only taxes but also tolls are included. Everything is good and especially useful for short or very spontaneous trips. However, it is usually financially worthwhile to buy your own car for longer stays abroad.
Renting a car in Europe today is not a luxury, but one of the most convenient and economical ways to travel to countries where public transportation is incredibly expensive. Renting a car is much more profitable than spending money on public transportation. However, you need to know all the intricacies and features to avoid the sad mistakes when renting a car.